
Configure Appointment Details

Appointments On The Day

The majority of appointments are telephone triage bookable ‘On The Day’ and are released at 08:30 on any given day.  Please ring in, as near to 08:30 as possible, to take one of these daily appointments, as they are usually filled quickly.  If doctor wishes to see you after the telephone consultation, you will be given an appointment for later that day.

Prebookable Appointments

Routine appointments can be pre-booked and can be for any non-urgent consultation or medication review.  Following your telephone appointment, if doctor wishes to see you, you will be given a face to face appointment.

Internet Appointments

Booking Appointments Online - Service Currently Suspended 

Please note the facility to book appointments online has been suspended until further notice.

Patient Parking


Blake House offers patient parking in seven parking bays (including one disabled bay).  Should the parking area become full, please park in the neighbouring residential area, taking care not to block driveways.

We respectfully ask that patients take care not to block the entrance to the staff parking area at the rear of the building.

Appointments - General Information

The surgery is open from 08:30 for booking appointments by telephone.

Our appointments are for 10 minutes each.

Please book a separate appointment for each member of the family wishing to see the GP.


ATTENTION - Telephone Consultation Requests

Is your request URGENT?  Please DO NOT make URGENT requests via this system.  Please telephone us on 01409 231628.

Any requests through the website, including any telephone requests, are checked periodically and not constantly manned.  You will be offered the next available routine slot with the doctor.  You may wish to use the eConsult system, where your query will be reviewed within 48 hours (see above for more information).

Home Visits

These will be triaged over the telephone with the doctor.

Home visits are only for those patients unable to get to the surgery e.g. the housebound or those too ill to attend.  It is far better for you to be seen in the surgery as the doctor has access to all the facilities on the surgery premises.  Please try to get to the surgery wherever possible.

If you need a home visit, please try to make the request before 10.00am and give the Receptionist as much detail as possible to help the doctor, who may not be your own doctor, to determine priorities.  Remember that our Receptionists are fully trained in the rules of confidentiality.

Cancel an Appointment

It is extremely important that you contact the Reception staff if you cannot attend your appointment.  This allows us to offer your unwanted appointment slot to another patient.  Failure to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend will result in paperwork confirming that you have defaulted on your appointment.  Persistent defaulters may well be removed from the Practice list.

You can also complete our appointment cancellation notification request form.  However, this can only be used for appointments arranged more than 24 hours in advance (excluding weekends and public holidays).  You can also text to cancel your appointment.